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Complete Warm-Up
The Ultimate Dynamic Warm-Up Program for Speed and Power Athletes
Take A Look At The Video Above To See What Complete Warm-Up Is All About
Discover REAL-WORLD Practice and Competition Prep
If you want your athletes to be able to perform at a high level in their sport, a proper warm-up is crucial.
Not only is it our goal to get our athletes ready to compete and perform to their full potential, our role as coaches is first and foremost to prevent injuries. There is nothing more critical in reducing the incidence of injury than putting our athletes through a well-structured warm-up program.
Running fast and performing explosive movements are extremely complicated activities from a neuromuscular standpoint. Preparing the body to be ready for these activities is critical.
So, what does a properly designed warm-up program mean?
An ideal warm-up program has to be efficient. We can't waste time here. It can't be too short and it can't be too long. It can't have too many exercises or too few. It can't always be the exact same exercises because the athletes will get bored. There needs to be progressions to them if they are too easy.
If you train one athlete vs. a group of athletes, what you can do in your warm-up is completely different. If you are outside warming-up on a track vs. warming up inside in a limited area/space - your exercise selection is going to be much different.
Choosing the correct warm-up exercises is important. You need to have many in your 'toolbox' and pull the right ones out when called for or when trying to get a particular result.
And this is why we created the Complete Warm-Up program...to cover what you need to know to get your athletes ready to dominate in a workout or competition.
Get a Deeper Understanding of the What, When, Where, Why and How to Warming-Up
Complete Warm-Up is our entire exercise library of 217 warm-up exercises with progressions and regressions. Dive deep and discover the what, why, when and how for the ideal warm-up and prepare your athletes to dominate.
If you are looking for specific warm-up plans to replace, add-to, or upgrade your own workout warm-up then this is the program for you.
Warming Up With A Purpose

This Course Contains
- 217 Exercises and Movements
- Central Nervous System (CNS) Prep
- Ankle Mobility
- Quad/Hamstring Lengthening
- Glute Activation
- Hip Mobility
- Anti-Extension to Anti-Rotation
- Anti-Lateral Flexion
- T-Spine Mobility
- Shoulder Mobility/Stability
- Plyo Prep
- Running Prep
Introducing Coach Bobby Smith

Bobby Smith – Reach Your Potential Training (RYPT) Owner/ Founder
NSCA- Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), NSPA- Certified Speed & Agility Coach (CSAC), Certified Weightlifting Performance Coach (CWPC), Certified Program Design Specialist (CPDS), Certified Sports Nutrition Coach (CSNC), USA Weightlifting Level 1, U.S.A. Track and Field Level 1, Bachelor’s degree (Monmouth University) and currently completing his Masters Degree.
Coach Smith, a 2008 USA Olympic Trials Javelin Champion, is the owner of Reach Your Potential Training in New Jersey. A former Division I All American thrower and All-NEC Conference running back for Monmouth University, Bobby is a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, a USA Weightlifting Sports Performance Coach, and a USA Track & Field Level I Coach.
In college, Bobby experienced 4 major injuries / surgeries (ACL reconstruction, Meniscectomy, Tommy John surgery, and ankle reconstruction). But with hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude, he came back strong from each injury. He was the captain of the football team and the track and field team his junior and senior years, All-NEC conference running back his senior year, NCAA Division I Track and Field Men’s Field Athlete of the Year Mid-Atlantic District 2006, Javelin – 5th place Division I NCAA championships 2005, Javelin – NCAA Division I All American 2005.
In 2008 he won the USA Olympic Trials in Eugene, OR with a personal best throw of 76.06M. He moved to the Olympic Training Center in Chula Vista, Ca. and had the good fortune to work with some of the best trainers, sports medicine personnel, coaches, and support staff in the industry. Coach Smith’s love of athletics and training, drove him to open the Reach Your Potential Training (RYPT) facility, so he can take his experience and knowledge to help his athletes reach their full potential.
Coach Smith is also the co-creator of Coaches Guide to Jump Training and Complete Guide to Training the Female Athlete for Athletes Acceleration.
Complete Warm-Up Has 2.5 Hours Of Video, 217 Warm-up Exercises, A Three Phase Warm-up System, Program Cards Of The Exact Exercises And Order With Progressions/Regressions, Plus A PowerPoint Slide Deck Showing The 'Why' Behind The Warm-up.
- Total Warm-Up Exercise Library - 217 Exercises and Movements
- Get the body prepared to perform speed and power movements
- Full Day 1 and Day 2 Specific Warm-Up Plans
- Exact Progressions (Regressions and Lateralizations)
- 3 Phase System for Getting Your Athletes Ready to Work
- Discover WHAT, WHY, HOW and WHEN
Complete Warm-Up Is Broken Down Into These Comprehensive Modules:
Module One
Introduction (0:45)
Module Two
CNS Prep (9:45)
Module Three
Ankle Mobility (5:04)
Module Four
Quadriceps Lengthening (3:26)
Module Five
Hamstring Lengthening (5:39)
Module Six
Hip Mobility (9:51)
Module Seven
Glute Activation (7:56)
Module Eight
Core Stabilization (11:28)
Module Nine
T-Spine Mobility (6:00)
Module Ten
Shoulder Stability (16:32)
Module Eleven
Plyometrics and Dynamic Prep (7:09)
Module Twelve
Short Band Exercises (4:36)
Module Thirteen
Long Band Exercises (4:18)
Module Fourteen
Medicine Ball Exercises (3:14)
Module Fifteen
Plate Exercises (3:37)
Module Sixteen
Hurdle Exercises (3:59)
Module Seventeen
Dynamic Flexibility (2:54)
Module Eighteen
Presentation: The Why Behind the Warm-Up (51:22)

Here Is What You Get When You Get Started Today...
Warm-Up Exercise Library - Over 200 Exercises!
The Complete Warm-up is a comprehensive warm-up system designed to help coaches develop and execute warm-ups for their athletes that prepare them for their speed and power training sessions and/or sports.
Complete Warm-up takes a coach through the exact system used to properly warm up athletes to prepare them for speed and power movements. Complete Warm-up includes both the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of every part of the warm-up. The comprehensive warm-up system includes foam rolling, barefoot considerations, diaphragmatic breathing, CNS prep, ankle mobility, quadriceps lengthening, hamstrings lengthening, glute activation, hip mobility, core stabilization, and T-spine mobility.
Complete Warm-up includes 217 exercises. It was developed by coaches, for coaches.
Dynamic Warm-Up for Speed & Power Athletes
Price: $49.95
SALE PRICE: $34.97
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You Have Nothing To Lose With Our Personal Guarantee
Coach Smith is going to give you his dynamic warm-up blueprint. All you need to do is make it part of your program.
In fact, we’re completely confident that this system will absolutely give you every tool you need to help improve your athletes' warm-up and performance - GUARANTEED.
We know this system works, as do the many coaches and athletes who have already experienced the effectiveness of what Coach Smith teaches. But at the same time, we understand that you still may be skeptical, and as such, we want to do everything we can to make this a no-brainer, risk-free decision for you.
And for that exact reason, here's what we're going to do for you: for each and every coach who orders, we're going to extend our Iron-Clad, 60-day 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee:
Simply put, if you implement the new Complete Warm-Up system, and for any reason are NOT entirely satisfied with the results your athletes achieve from it, just contact me and I'll immediately refund your investment. It's that simple.
We stand behind this best in class warm-up training system and the rapid results you will achieve, but if for some strange reason it doesn't yield those results for your athletes, you get your money back. No hassles, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt, courteous refund.
Complete Warm-Up gives you the know-how to write highly effective warm-up programs to get ready for workouts, practice and competition.
Complete Warm-Up includes both the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of every part of the warm-up. The comprehensive warm-up system includes foam rolling, barefoot considerations, diaphragmatic breathing, CNS prep, ankle mobility, quadriceps lengthening, hamstrings lengthening, glute activation, hip mobility, core stabilization, and T-spine mobility.
If you want to add variety to your workouts, improve your athletes' performance, and decrease the incidence of injury, checkout the all-new Complete Warm-Up system.
Coach Bobby Smith takes you through his latest methods and structures the perfect system for getting your athletes ready to compete and dominate. Complete Warm-Up dives deep into the training needs of athletes and Coach Smith lays out his blueprint for developing an optimal warm-up and preparation program.
If you want to get results, you need to warm up with a purpose. Grab your copy of Complete Warm-Up today.
Patrick Beith, Athletes Acceleration
P.S.- With the New Complete Warm-Up system you will get 0.4 CEU's from the NSCA and 0.3 CEU's from the NASM.
Click HERE to get the New Complete Warm-Up System!
P.P.S. Remember, with our Iron-clad, 100% Money-back Guarantee, we're giving you 60 risk-free days to discover this one-of-a-kind, game changing warm-up training system. Grab it RISK-FREE today.
Complete Warm-Up -> Preparing Your Athletes to Dominate